How to Integrate Fingerprint API in Android mobile app

How to Integrate Fingerprint API in Android mobile app
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Fingerprint authentication is a widely used and highly secured method of validating the user. That is the reason increasingly Mobile applications are giving unique fingerprint authentication as an option to the older PIN or password-based authentication. Android officially supported fingerprint scanning hardware with the release of Android 6.0. There has been a significant amount of changes to the APIs since than; one of them is Fingerprint Authentication. With the release of new APIs, validating users with help of fingerprint sensors on various devices is possible.

Fingerprint authentication uses the touch sensor incorporated into many Android devices to identify the user and give access to both the gadget and application functionality such as in-app payment options. Implementation of fingerprint authentication is a multi-step procedure which can at first, seem overwhelming but which when separated into individual steps, the procedure turns out to be substantially less complex. In fundamental terms, fingerprint authentication is primarily a matter of encryption including a key, a figure to perform the encryption and a fingerprint manager to handle with the validation procedure.

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To implement fingerprint authentication API in your Android application you need to get the Android SDK first. The SDK Manager then will allow you to download the SDK platform for Android 6.0 and introduce necessary steps. As a major aspect of the starting procedure, Android has also come up with a new sample to demonstrate and guide the developers in integrating the API with the fingerprint readers in various devices.

Android Fingerprint Authentication library gives a simple and secure approach to integrating fingerprint authentication into your android application. It handles backward compatibility and gives a common platform to integrate fingerprint scanner in your code. This will decrease the amount of boilerplate code which the developer has to write and gives easy to use basic all-backs to handle authentication process and errors.

The next steps is getting to the Android keystore and generate the key to encrypt the data. The app does it in a different strategy called generateKey(). Notice that you need to specify the usage of the key: encrypt and decrypt and that the confirmation is required to use the key itself.

The last step is creating the call-back with the goal that you can getevent notification and know when the authentication succeeded or something went wrong. This class develops FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback.

Android Fingerprint authentication is bringing user authentication to a radical new level, making it quick and highly secure. Fingerprint authentication provides tangible value when it comes to enhancing user-experience and providing an additional layer of security and makes your in-app payments process much easier.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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