Benefits of WooCommerce 3.0

Benefits of WooCommerce 3.0
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Internet has become core channel to market and launch product for every business. eCommerce has turned out to be one very lucrative platform to reach global customers for your product or service sale. Small businesses are looking for eCommerce platforms which can take their business online with minimal investment and technical know-how. Woocommerce is one of the most preferred eCommerce WordPress solutions specifically for small eCommerce businesses. WooCommerce helps you to convert your WordPress website into a highly interactive and feature-rich eCommerce store by adding schema data, Custom AJAX endpoints, REST API and other technical features.

WooCommerce 3.0 is a latest version of Woocommerce where you can get improved product gallery, speed and performance improvement for your Store. WooCommerce is free and open source platform that provides you with simple UI. The option to add along different plugins to upgrade execution of the store is yet another beautiful advantage which is provided by using WooCommerce. WooCommerce recently released version WooCommerce 3.0 “Bionic Butterfly” that made many small and big improvements and fixes. WooCommerce 3.0 is focused on performance enhancements, Updated Product gallery, New CLI and many other interesting Features. It is fully compatible with the support for new in stock/out of stock functions, which speeds up things notably. This assures that, as stores expand; it won’t run into data restriction while managing or adding WooCommerce products and orders. Let’s explore some of the interesting Key features of Woocommerce3.0.

Read More: How to Boost The Woocommerce Store Performance With Simple Steps?

Added CURD Classes

The inclusion of CRUD classes, by including this element, you can modify orders, customers, line products, payment option, shipping zones and much more. Developers use the four fundamental operations CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) classes to optimize data storage as this helps in writing and retrieving data. It becomes simple for the developers to define input for each resource and control its flow providing valid confirmations. CRUD makes it easy for developers to retrieve data from the database with less number of codes. This shows that; Woocommerce 3.0’s focus is adaptability. The new CRUD approach makes things easier as each asset has been structured in a way that you can find it effortlessly. Plus the data can be moved in another place without bothering the code that is being used.


New CLI (Command Line Interface) minimizes the size of codes that need to be managed, as it is powered by the REST API. With this, Woocommerce 3.0 gets more power and manages data faster. With the access of REST API, it becomes easy to support Metadata on endpoints as well as the payment and shipping methods endpoints become phenomenal. The new CLI along with the REST API supports all the functionality from new variation endpoints for creating and updating variations for preventing manipulation.

Improved Touch Support

Mobile eCommerce is an enormous part of the online retail market. eCommerce applications that don’t offer interfaces that work well on touch devices put retailer at a disadvantage. With WooCommerce 3.0 touch interactions have been polished for the new release. Swipe-to-scroll, pinch-to-zoom, swipe-up-to-close and other gestures improve the integration of the WooCommerce touch experience with the UI expectations of the mobile users.

Improved Product Gallery

Earlier the Product gallery opened only to match the Browser window. Woocommerce 3.0 Product gallery features resolve this and have been revamped especially on mobile devices and smaller screen sizes so that Customer can magnify images and zoom them from lightbox popup to get a clearer image. On mobile view, zooming shows the product’s actual size. These new features have made business smooth and provide more functionality. It has become mobile-friendly with touch gestures to further polish customer experience.

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Speed & Performance Improvement

In Woocommerce 3.0 Meta has been converted to taxonomy by upgraded script. Taxonomies have been introduced to regulate and display the product visibility, out of stock items, featured products & other specific categories of products. This quality basically fits in for bigger stores with several hundred of product variety. Earlier, post Meta data used to control the visibility of the products according to catalog which delayed the page loading. Queries for up-selling and related products have been reduced in WooCommerce 3.0 which has a huge impact on the speed & performance of the eStore. This makes it easier for the large stores to keep a track of their products.

Delayed CRON Event To Send eMails

Another prominent feature of the Woocommerce 3.0 is that a system of delayed CRON event to send emails has been imparted. This activity sends the emails after a small delay in separate requests and does not affect the speed & performance of the site at all. During the check out process, sending notification emails in one of the major function which makes the check out process slow which is remitted by CRON.

WooCommerce development is a highly effective, easy to use, impactful and polished eCommerce platform that enables a business to sell anything and everything online. WooCommerce can help you to convert your WordPress powered business website into a functional eCommerce portal with high customization abilities. In nut shell, WooCommerce 3.0 can be the one-stop solution for a fast, better secured and a seamless user experience delivering a website with top range performance, implying more revenue generation for your business.

Written by Jeegnasa Mudsa

Jeegnasa Mudsa is Executive Director at CMARIX InfoTech. a leading eCommerce development company with 15+ years experience. A blend of true Engineer and HR power house to run the Company Operations. Creative Director with in-depth experience of Technology and Human Resource domain. A people person and a compassionate Mother.

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