How to Integrate BAR Code Scanner-PDF417 in Android App

How to Integrate BAR Code Scanner-PDF417 in Android App
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At the point when store traffic is increasing and the demand for products grew, it was imperative to keep accurate inventory and be well stocked by tracking the products present and studying the trend analysis. Manual counting turned out to be excessively tedious and too inaccurate for this purpose. Tracking errors make your inventory less precise and to maintain inventories in the hundreds of thousands, or even millions ultimately incur more costs. Whether you ‘re traveling or attending any small or big event you need to stand in line at a ticket office to buy tickets. It is harder to collect and save it. But by using barcode technology in stores and other industry you can solve all these issues.

As technology has proceeded with its advancement, the original single dimension (1D)-or linear barcode no longer truly meets most organizations’ requirements. This is because of its constrained character limit or the limited information it can hold. In addition, it has a heavy dependency on a database and network. Thus, came along the two-dimensional (2D) barcode. It offered higher data density, encryption technology, error correction, and it can also encode images and different sorts of characters. The popularity of 2D barcodes has erupted, and there are various types of barcodes on the market. The principal objective of 2D barcodes is to store information and allow a scanning device to read contents over the barcode. There are various types of 2D barcodes, Quick Response (QR) code like PDF 417 and Data Matrix.

PDF417 (Portable Data File) was introduced by Symbol Technologies as a high-capacity, highly secure symbology. PDF417 is classified as a stacked, linear barcode; however, it is regularly alluded to as a two-dimensional barcode since it represents data using multiple rows and columns such as Data Matrix. Unlike most other two-dimensional barcodes, though, PDF417 can be scanned with the help of a configured laser scanner. It stands out amongst the most widely used 2-dimensional barcode. It is a stacked barcode composed of rows of the linear barcode. Being a 2-dimensional barcode, it allows carrying more data than the 1-dimensional barcodes. In PDF 417, “PDF” stands for or table Data File. The “417” derives from the way that each encoded codeword in the barcode is represented by four bars and four spaces. The total width of each barcode is 17-module wide and thus the “17” in the name.PDF 417 barcodes are variable in size and layout, most commonly seen in rectangular configurations.

You can systematically integrate the PDF417 barcodes SDK into your Android application by following the instructions below and your application will be able to use the scanning feature.

To implement PDF417 Bar Code scanner in your Android application, you need to create a new android project. For that Go to file => new => New Projects in Android studio. So once your project is loaded select build.gradle file and add the following dependency code.

Barcodescanner implementation

Now sync your project with gradle. You can begin recognition process by starting a PDF 417 ScanActivity activity with Intent instated. After PDF 417 ScanActivity completes the scan, it will return to the calling activity and will call method onActivityResult. You can acquire the scanning results in that method.

By using below code you can create a Graphic instance for rendering barcode position, size, color and ID within an associated graphics overlay view.

Barcodescanner implementation

Finally! PDF417 Barcode Scanner is ready to use.

Considering the rapidly growing significance of Barcodes in today ‘s market. Barcode scanning application is standard way that enhances work efficiency, eliminates error, and gives an accurate result, better customer service, and enhanced visibility of key business information to management. It is widely used in various industries like retail, transportation, healthcare, logistics, public security and automated production. It additionally helps in keeping a better record of your inventory & accounts, other than making everyday billing faster for increasing the satisfied customer ratio.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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