The Best Golang Frameworks for the Programmers

The Best Golang Frameworks for the Programmers
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Golang is actually known as Google’s Go Programming Language. Since its introduction in the technology market, Golang has turned out to be a sturdy and very popular choice to write APIs as well as develop web services. Some people even consider Prime day as the very start of the shopping season. Well, the mainstream users have a high preference for this one. Get an incredible Golang framework from CMARIX.

It is one of the greatest programming languages right after the launch. There have been many surveys. Right after those surveys, almost ninety percent of the total respondents have decided that they shall go forward with Golang. This is for the next set of projects, by the way. Golang has ranked itself as the utmost framework across all web programming languages.

Golang is known to have unique features and can also act as a better alternative. Suppose we explore more details regarding this. Then, it can be concluded that the developmental languages C and C++ are the complete ancestors to the existing Go language.

Go language is very similar in temperament with almost all the applications. It is designed very exclusively for concurrency. Golang is extremely practical and a great go to web framework for all the app development companies out there.

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Next, Golang supports native metaphors for some great programming as well as extremely valuable features for the website services. It has a completely compiled programming language and it is also open source.

Golang is great because it also assists developers in building completely trustworthy and also unchallenging software. Let us now discuss the most popular Golang frameworks for website development.

This is being utilized for developing APIs. The developers further utilize Golang frameworks to build a rest API. We mention here the Golang frameworks for programmers.

Best Golang Web Frameworks for Development

1. Gin Gonic

Gin Gonic

Gin Gonic is actually a leading Google’s Golang web application framework. This is considered a very minimalistic framework. This framework possesses the most required libraries and features. This is also regarded as the best option if you are getting commenced with Golang.

We can discuss the web frameworks from a very prominent development company. This prominent development company can always bring you the best of its acquaintance and also clarity for seamless work. Get incredible services from the front-end development company, CMARIX.

The framework is always simple to deal with. This happens when it comes to monitoring or even tracking problems or debugging. This is swifter than most of the other platforms. This framework is highly suitable for building extremely high-performing Rest Apis.

It utilizes HTTP routers for managing the Golang traffic. It works with straightforward design rules for precise documentation.

2. Gorilla


Gorilla is actually the biggest of Google’s top Golang frameworks. Always rationalizes its names in the application development communities. This is actually the most prolonged web framework that flawlessly caters to the overall or the HTTP library’s reusable elements and components.

It can become the most exceptional web framework for Golang. Gorilla facilitates modularities and also scalabilities as the prime features. The problem of settling with outdated functionalities will never come up.

Things can be backed up right from native support to web sockets. This particular framework has the great perspective to go beyond the currently positioned requests.

3. Martini

Martini always works like a precise ecosystem instead of a framework. It can thus be effortlessly integrated with complete third-party support. Martini also has the credits for being additionally light throughout. Get incredible services from the mobile app development company India, CMARIX.

The website framework is extremely supple. The framework enlarges the abilities apart from handling loads of functions. All of these come with minimum overheads in the process.

The framework is also built for writing the Golang services and also building the extremely compelling website applications.

Martini also has the extreme potential to enable requirements such as routing, exception dealing, and also the usual tricks for doing middleware further. We can all provide backing for the wildcards, variable parameters, regex structure, and also much more to offer.

Martini truly delivers a lot. It is actually the most perfect Golang website application framework among the existing communities. Frankly, the community is small but extremely active. The community also has around twenty plugins on its side.

Buffalo is present among all the other Golang frameworks that are utilized for web development. Buffalo actually is quite a useful framework. This is also forgetting the initiation regarding a project swiftly. Get incredible services from the web programmers in India, from CMARIX.

Further, Buffalo is also utilized as a completely integrated web development ecosystem. This is extremely helpful for diverse projects. Buffalo is actually among the leading website frameworks. Buffalo is highly known for being simple and really speedy.

This is nice for building web applications. Web applications are great by catering to the requirements of the backend and the frontend developments. Buffalo is regarded as the top backend framework and an effective option for the front end as well.

The hot reloading features of the Buffalo framework are present with development commands. The development commands automatedly observe.html as well as the. go files for rebuilding and also reinitiating the binary.

Cross-Platform Application Development

4. Goji


Goji is lightweight and really swift. Golang framework is present for website development by being a really precise blend of straightforwardness and also composing abilities.

The web framework is actually the ideal selection by the absolute number of mobile app development companies and also firms working on the different web projects. The web framework is the ideal selection because it is lightweight and also swift. Get incredible services when you hire front-end developers in India, from CMARIX.

The framework explores greatly and also works after like net or the HTTP serve mux, which possesses the minimal HTTP request multiplexers. Goji comprises the URL patterns, the configurable middleware stack, and also the seamless shutdown abilities. Apart from these, Goji has several additional productive features.

Read More: Top IDES And Tools For Golang Web Development

5. Revel


Revel always ranks as one of the top frameworks on the list. This always happens when it comes to feature the Golang website. Revel is actually one of the latest Golang frameworks for website developers.

There are reasons for the same. They are as mentioned over here. Revel always comes with the great arrays of pre-configured innovative features and also the functionalities that are completely meant for the most optimal usages.

The framework absolutely does not require the looks for the configuration and also the setup obligations. This is completely different from all the other Go language frameworks. This is because it is entirely self-sufficient. Also, Revel is completely liberated to middleware and also the third-party plugins.

Revel is also one of the best frameworks of Google’s Golang. Actually, revel is the one stop solution for building the api irrespective of the completely multifaceted tasks.

Read More: GoLang: Getting started with CockroachDB and REST API Go using Revel Framework

6. Beego


Beego is the next one. In certain aspects, it has been found that Beego is completely analogous to the extremely inclusive Django website frameworks. The website frameworks have been completely intended for the language, Python.

Beego is known to steer an exclusive array of great functionalities and also features. The features are extremely common to the website applications. Further, all of this is organized into the eight diverse modules which can be avoided or utilized as required.

There is always a wide range of the mvc components. Apart from this, all of these needs to appear in the utmost website frameworks. Moreover, it always includes an ORM or the object relationship map. The object relationship map is great for accessing the information and the data.

There can be the session management tools and the in-built cache handler. All of this further includes the greater libraries for the completely joint operations and also the HTTP elements. There can be the other components as well as the diverse logging systems.

Beego is completely another method indicative of Django. Django has its completely different command-line tools. A developer can always utilize the bee commands greatly. The bee commands are great for building the Beego apps from the scratch or also managing with the current ones.

Also, Beego is extremely familiar and also competent with CL. CL is short for command line tools that are similar to Django. Beego builds extremely powerful applications right from the scratch. This is also for the middle of the present ones.

To get together in full swing with any sort of project, a bee command is all it takes.

SEE ALSO: Outsource App Development

7. Mango


You can decide to have diverse libraries here. The diverse libraries will give rise to the different features in the projects. Get incredible services when you hire dedicated developers for Golang in India, from CMARIX. Frankly, Mango cannot be maintained actively at all. However, there are always several Golang users who still use it. Modularity for Mango is indeed a marvelous thing.

8. Echo


Echo is an open source, high performance web development framework for the Go programming language. It features a fast HTTP router, powerful middleware layer, and a well-thought-out API structure. Echo is a lightweight, fast, and highly configurable web framework which makes it easy to create high-performance web applications. Echo provides a comprehensive suite of features including: robust routing, middleware support, template support, built-in logging, and much more. The Echo is designed to be simple, efficient, and easy to use. By leveraging the power of Go’s concurrency model, Echo can handle large numbers of concurrent requests with minimal resource consumption. With its versatile API, Echo makes it easy to build web applications quickly and efficiently.

Go’s echo framework shares Golang’s strengths as a lightweight, modular, and efficient web application development environment. It has a highly optimised HTTP router with zero dynamic memory allocation that intelligently prioritizes routes. This is used to create robust and scalable REST APIs that are easily groupable. It includes HTTP/2 compliance, which speeds up the process and provides a better user experience, and automatically install TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt. Additionally, there are a number of built-in middlewares available for use, and programmers are even allowed to create their own that can be defined at the root, group, or route level.

It supports data binding for JSON, XML, and form-data payloads in HTTP requests. It includes an API to submit different HTTP answers, such as JSON, XML, HTML, files, and attachments, for data rendering. Any template engine may be used to render templates, and they provide adjustable central HTTP error handling.

The code for the echo framework is rarely updated because there is only one developer working on it.

9. Kit

Kit is a Golang toolkit for developing dependable and easily maintained microservices. For businesses of any size, it is a collection of packages and best practices that offer a thorough, reliable, and trustworthy method of creating microservices. Go is a fantastic general-purpose language, but microservices need some particular assistance.

As a result, the kit architecture offers infrastructure integration, system observability, and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) safety. Golang is a first-class language for creating microservices in any business because to its composition of numerous closely linked packages that together constitute an opinionated framework for building substantial Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). It was created with interoperability in mind, and developers are free to select the platforms, databases, components, and architectural styles that best suit their needs.

The disadvantage of utilizing go-kit is that it has a significant overhead for adding API to the service because of how heavily it relies on interfaces.

10. fasthttp


The fasthttp framework provides a fast HTTP server and client API which was made as an alternative to net/http due to its limits on optimization opportunities. It is among the fastest HTTP servers available and provides a lightweight API that allows for easier access to low-level HTTP features. It also offers improved performance and scalability by using a non-blocking API and a zero-copy approach to request processing. The API also allows for asynchronous request handling, which makes it more suitable for developing high-performance web applications.

In response to the constraints imposed by net/http, the fasthttp framework was developed to provide a more streamlined API for both HTTP servers and clients. It has been optimized for speed and can easily process over 100,000 queries per second (qps) and over one million keep-alive connections simultaneously on current hardware. Additionally, it is designed to use less RAM and offers RequestCtx for simple connection upgrade support. Hijack.

The Fasthttp API was created to allow for the extension of current client and server implementations as well as the creation of new client and server implementations from scratch. The request handler has access to a wealth of additional valuable data, like the server and client addresses, a unique request-id, a per-request logger, etc. Net/http is more dependable and tried because it has a larger audience. Additionally, because net/http and fasthttp are incompatible, it is frequently challenging for developers to switch from net/http to fasthttp.

11. Iris

The Iris Web Framework is a high-performance web development framework written in the Go programming language. It is designed to be fast, simple, and powerful, with a focus on scalability and reliability. It provides a rich set of features, including routing, templates, sessions, authentication, and more. Also provides a number of tools to help developers quickly create and maintain web applications.

In a short amount of time, you may use Iris to construct serverless applications that can then be published to AWS, Netlify, or any of a number of other platforms. For real-time reloading of Iris templates and real-time monitoring of your app, the Iris package includes a command-line interface app.

Features of the Iris package make development incredibly simple. Iris provides an API that is similar to Sinatra and supports Websockets, sessions, logging, and routing. GRPC, file serving, authentication, authorisation, and testing functionality are also supported.

12. Fiber


The Fiber Framework is a collection of open source software components designed to provide an end-to-end framework for creating secure, scalable, and distributed applications. It provides developers with an easy-to-use development platform and a powerful set of tools to help them build distributed applications quickly and efficiently. The framework allows developers to create applications that run on top of different cloud services and on multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop. It also offers support for a wide range of protocols, including REST, WebSockets, and GraphQL. Additionally, it provides features for data storage, encryption, authentication, authorization, and other security-related tasks. The Fiber Framework is ideal for building applications that need to scale and be secure, while still being easy to use.

Fiber is a fast, memory-safe framework that is similar to ExpressJS. It is based on the fasthttp package. It’s designed for both newcomers and seasoned professionals of the JavaScript backend development community, and it delivers excellent performance.

The majority of the functionalities you’ll require in a backend framework are included in Fiber. In addition to many other things, it supports routing, request grouping, validation, templating, hooks, and error handling. Fiber may be extended, and by creating your own encoder and decoder, you can speed up Fiber.

13. Go Zero

Go Zero is a web framework written in Go (Golang). It was designed to be lightweight and fast, providing an efficient way to create web applications. The framework is built on top of the net/http package, which provides a powerful and flexible way to create web servers and routers. Go Zero provides a set of libraries and tools, including a router, middleware, template engine, and authentication system, to make building web applications easier. It also provides extensibility, allowing developers to add custom features or modify existing ones. Go Zero is open source and free to use.

14. Go Craft Framework

Go Craft Framework

GoCraft is a web framework for creating high-performance web applications written in the Go programming language. It is designed for both the experienced programmer and the beginner. GoCraft is built on top of the popular net/http package and provides an easy-to-use set of features, such as routing, middleware, templates, and database access. It also provides a robust set of features for creating and consuming web services.

This is designed to be highly modular and extensible, making it easy to add custom functionality and components to fit the needs of any project. GoCraft comes with a powerful CLI tool for quickly scaffolding applications, as well as a suite of features such as routing, authentication, and ORM integration. GoCraft is the ideal choice for developers looking to quickly and easily build powerful web applications in Go.

15. Web.go

Web.go offers a tree routing system despite being a lightweight framework. If you have a lot of routing to do, then Web.go would be an ideal option for you since it can easily handle the complexity of tree routing. The routing system is also very simple and straightforward, so it is easy to set up and maintain. Additionally, the routing system is well documented, so it is easy to learn and use.

It offers a tree-based routing system that enables developers to quickly and easily create complex routes with minimal effort. Web.go also makes it easy to match wildcards and regular expressions, which makes it even more powerful for creating sophisticated routes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 Best Things About Golang?

Easy to Learn: Go is designed with simplicity and readability in mind, making it an ideal language for beginners and experienced developers alike.
High Performance: Go offers excellent performance, thanks to its advanced garbage collection and built-in concurrency.
Cross-Platform Support: Go programs are compiled into native machine code, making them cross-platform compatible with almost any system.
Open Source: Go is open source, allowing developers to freely modify and redistribute the language.
Growing Ecosystem: The growing ecosystem of Go libraries, frameworks, and tools makes it easier for developers to create powerful applications quickly

Which Go Framework Should I Use?

This depends on the specific requirements of your project. Popular Go frameworks include Revel, Beego, Gin, and Echo. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you should evaluate them based on the features you need and the development style you prefer.

What Are the Best Microservices Frameworks?

Spring Boot
Apache Camel
WildFly Swarm
Docker Compose

Which Framework Is Best for Golang Rest API?

The most popular framework for building REST APIs with Golang is the Gin framework. It is an HTTP web framework that features a martini-like API with much better performance. It has an excellent routing system and is easy to use. Other popular frameworks include Echo, Buffalo, and Revel.

Is Go Good for Building APIs?

Yes, Go is a great language for building APIs. It is a fast and efficient language with plenty of robust tools and libraries that make it easy to create high performance, reliable APIs. Additionally, Go is a great choice for developing microservices and distributed systems, which are essential components of many modern APIs.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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