Creating deep relationships between data is a common task while developing large online apps. You may manage cases where a single entry in one database can be related to several records in another using Laravel’s strong Many-To-Many connection.

The top Laravel development company’s best practices and insights are included in this book. It will provide you with the skills you need to become an expert in this crucial kind of interaction in Laravel. Along with walking you through the creation and administration processes step-by-step, we’ll also look at real-world use cases.

By the end, you will be acknowledged for your skillful creation and tactical application of Many-to-Many connections. Consequently, a highly flexible and data-driven development environment is fostered.

What is a Many-to-many Relationship in a Laravel Migration and How Does it Work?

A Many-To-Many relationship in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM makes it easier to associate numerous records in one table with multiple records in another. When modeling circumstances where a single entity can have relationships with multiple entities of a different kind, this comes in quite handy.

For example, a product in an e-commerce platform may fall under multiple categories. In this case, a category can contain many product records and a single product record can be linked to multiple category records.

How Do Many-to-many Relationships in Laravel Migration Work?

Pivot Table: Often referred to as a pivot table, a junction table plays a crucial role in many-to-many interactions. Keys from the two linked tables are housed in this intermediate table. More flexibility is provided by the ability to store relationship-specific data.

Eloquent Methods: Built-in methods are available through Laravel’s Eloquent library. To specify these relationships within your models, the Laravel 10 model has many belongsToMany included. The underlying database interactions are handled by these procedures. It simplifies the linkage and retrieval of related models.

CRUD Operations: You can utilize Laravel CRUD operations on the connected models after the relationship has been formed. This gives you the ability to control the relationships between the things in your application.

Therefore, Laravel’s Many-To-Many relationships offer a strong and adaptable method for simulating intricate data interactions. It makes managing intricate connections within your web application easier.

Let’s consider a many-to-many relationship example- Orders placed by several customers (listed in the Customers table) are included in the Your Order table, and a customer may submit numerous orders.

Understanding Many-to-Many Relationships:

  • In a relational database, a many-to-many relationship arises when a single record in one table can be associated with multiple records in another table, and vice versa.
  • To manage this association, a separate table (often called a pivot table) is created to link the two main tables. This pivot table typically contains foreign keys referencing the primary keys of both main tables.

Steps to Create a Many-to-Many Relationship in Laravel Migrations

Define Models and Migrations

  • Use Laravel’s Artisan command for Laravel to create a migration with a model to get a separate table for each that is involved in the relationship. For example, php artisan make:model Post and php artisan make:model Tag.

Create Migrations for Main Tables

  • Run php artisan make:migration create_posts_table and php artisan make:migration create_tags_table.
  • Within these migration files, define the structure of the respective tables. Include primary keys, any relevant columns for each model, and timestamps if needed.

Create the Pivot Table Migration

  • Use php artisan make:migration create_post_tag_table. This command creates a migration file for the pivot table, typically named using a convention that reflects the relationship (e.g., create_post_tag_table).

Structure the Pivot Table Migration

  • Open the create_post_tag_table.php migration file.

Inside the up method, define the schema for the pivot table:

Schema::create('post_tag', function (Blueprint $table) {
// Optional additional columns for the relationship (e.g., 'created_by')

Run Migrations

  • Execute php artisan migrate to create the tables in your database based on the defined migrations.

Define Relationships in Models

In your models (Post.php and Tag.php), define the many-to-many relationships using the belongsToMany method:

// Post.php
public function tags()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class);

// Tag.php
public function posts()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Post::class);

Additional Considerations

  • Custom Pivot Table Name: If you prefer a different name for the pivot table, use the second argument to belongsToMany: 
public function tags()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class, 'post_tags'); // Specify 'post_tags' as the pivot table name
  • Pivot Table Columns: You can add additional columns to the pivot table to store extra information about the relationship. In the migration, define these columns and update the foreign key constraints accordingly.
  • Accessing Related Models: Once the relationships are defined, you can access related models using methods like $post->tags and $tag->posts.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully establish a many-to-many relationship in your Laravel application, allowing posts to have many tags and tags to be associated with many posts.


So, here is the extensive Laravel guide on many-to-many relationships. You should be able to comfortably construct intricate data relationships in your Laravel applications by now. You know how to create dynamic, data-driven apps, from grasping the fundamentals to performing CRUD operations.

Recall that developing strong and scalable Laravel applications is made possible by understanding these relationships. Whether you are using Laravel development, Many-To-Many relationships offer a useful tool for organizing product categories in an eCommerce site or assigning roles to users.

Does your Laravel project need assistance in putting Many-To-Many Relationships into practice? Hire Laravel developers from CMARIX to help you efficiently build these relationships and optimize database interactions.