In the dynamic realm of cloud computing and serverless architectures, efficiency and performance optimization have become critical. Utilizing the ARM64 architecture, which is renowned for its power efficiency and performance advantages, is a noteworthy step in this direction. Targeting ARM64 can help developers using Dotnet Lambda and .NET Core realize these benefits, increasing the responsiveness and economy of applications.

This post describes how to use the dotnet lambda package-ci command to create a.NET Core Lambda function that is optimized for ARM64. We will explore the procedures needed to set up your project, package it, and use AWS CloudFormation for deployment. By the time this is all over, you will know exactly how to use ARM64 architecture to improve your dotnet Lambda serverless apps.

Before we dive into the details, ensure you have the following installed:

  • .NET SDK
  • Amazon.Lambda.Tools package

You can install the Amazon.Lambda.Tools package globally using:

Code Syntax : dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create a .NET Core Lambda Project

  • First, create a new .NET Core Lambda project. You can use the AWS Lambda template:
Code Syntax : dotnet new lambda.EmptyFunction -n MyLambdaFunction

 cd MyLambdaFunction

This creates a basic Lambda function project.

2. Add ARM64 Support

  • To target the arm64 architecture, ensure your project is configured correctly. Modify your aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json file to include the runtime architecture:

Code Syntax : 

  "profile": "default", "region": "us-west-2", "function-runtime": "dotnet6", "function-architecture": "arm64", "function-handler": "MyLambdaFunction::MyLambdaFunction.Function::FunctionHandler" 

  • Alternatively, you can specify the architecture directly in the CLI command.

3. Package the Lambda Function

  • Now, use the dotnet lambda package-ci command to package your Lambda function for deployment. This command packages your project, uploads it to an S3 bucket, and generates a CloudFormation template.

Code Syntax : dotnet lambda package-ci –region us-west-2 –function-architecture arm64 –s3-bucket my-lambda-deployments

In this command:

  • –region specifies the AWS region.
  • –function-architecture specifies the target architecture (arm64).
  • –s3-bucket specifies the S3 bucket to upload the deployment package.

4. Deploy the Lambda Function

After packaging, you can deploy the Lambda function using the CloudFormation template generated in the previous step.

Code Syntax : aws cloudformation deploy –template-file serverless.template

--stack-name MyLambdaStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

5. Package the Lambda Function for CI/CD

  • dotnet lambda package-ci –region us-west-2 –function-architecture arm64 –s3-bucket my-lambda-deployments.

Code Syntax : dotnet lambda package-ci –region us-west-2 –function-architecture arm64 –s3-bucket my-lambda-deployments

  • region: Specifies the AWS region where the Lambda function will be deployed.
  • function-architecture: Specifies the architecture for the Lambda function (e.g., x86_64, arm64).
  • s3-bucket: The S3 bucket where the deployment package is uploaded.


Using ARM64 architecture for AWS Lambda functions based on .NET Core offers a tactical benefit in terms of cost-effectiveness and performance optimization. Developers can use the dotnet lambda package-ci command to easily configure, package, and deploy Lambda functions targeting ARM64 by following the instructions in this document. This methodology not only optimizes development processes but also enables apps to scale more effectively in the AWS cloud and respond to user requests more quickly.

To ensure that your AWS Lambda projects are implemented with the best possible direction and assistance for ARM64 optimizations, think about collaborating with CMARIX. Their committed group of ASP.Net developers has the know-how to efficiently utilize ARM64 architecture. Hire ASP.Net developers now to take advantage of their experience and advance your serverless apps in the cutthroat world of cloud computing.