It is important to learn and understand the link between index.html and index.js while creating React apps or CRA apps in the modern web world. These two files are essential for organizing and displaying React apps. They each provide unique features that work together to shape the user experience. 

Index.html acts as the foundational HTML to React template, providing the structure into which React components are injected during runtime. It establishes the initial environment for your application, defining essential elements such as the <head> and <body> sections, meta tags for SEO, and most importantly, the <div id=”root”> where the React application will be dynamically rendered.

On the other hand, index.js serves as the entry point for bootstrapping your React application. Here, the ReactDOM.render() function is invoked, which renders the root React component (typically <App /> or another component hierarchy) into the designated <div id=”root”> element within index.html. This file also handles the importation of necessary dependencies like React and ReactDOM, along with any stylesheets or additional resources required by your application.

This post delves into the intricate connection between these essential files, offering insights into their individual functionalities and collective contribution to building robust, interactive web applications using ReactJS. Understanding this relationship empowers developers to leverage React’s capabilities effectively, ensuring scalable and responsive web solutions that meet the demands of modern web development.

In a Create-React-App (CRA) application, the index.html and index.js files play crucial roles in how your React application is structure and rendered. Here’s how they are connected and their respective purposes:

1. Index.html

The public/index.html file in a CRA project is the main HTML file that serves as the entry point for your React application. Here are some key points about this file:

  1. Static Content: It contains the basic structure of an HTML page, including <head> and <body> sections.
  2. Root Div: Inside the <body>, there is typically a <div id=”root”> element. This is where your React application will be rendered.
  3. Meta Tags and Title: You can add <meta> tags for SEO, <title> tags for the page title, and other necessary metadata.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>React App</title>
  <div id="root"></div>

The index.html file serves as the template into which your React components will be injected during runtime. It doesn’t contain dynamic content or React components directly; those are managed by index.js.

2. Index.js

The src/index.js file is where the React application is bootstrapped. Key points about this file include:

  • ReactDOM Rendering: This is where ReactDOM.render() is called to render the root React component (<App /> or another component hierarchy) into the #root element in index.html.
  • Imports: It typically imports necessary dependencies like React and ReactDOM, and the main component (App or another top-level component).
  • Service Workers (Optional): CRA includes service worker registration by default in index.js for progressive web app features.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css'; // Optional: CSS file import
import App from './App'; // Importing the main component

    <App />

Here’s how index.html and index.js are connected:

  • Root Element: In index.html, the <div id=”root”> serves as a placeholder.
  • ReactDOM Rendering: In index.js, ReactDOM.render() targets this <div id=”root”> and injects the React component hierarchy into it.


During development and production builds:

  • Development: CRA uses webpack-dev-server to serve your application. When you run npm start or yarn start, webpack-dev-server compiles your React code, injects necessary scripts into index.html, and serves it.
  • Production: When you run npm run build or yarn build, CRA optimizes your production application. It minifies your JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, and prepares index.html and index.js for deployment.


Mastering the roles of index.html and index.js within Create-React-App projects is foundational to harnessing the full potential of ReactJS for web development. These files not only provide the structural framework and dynamic rendering capabilities essential for React applications but also enable developers to optimize performance and enhance user experience seamlessly.

Organizations aiming to elevate their web presence with ReactJS should hire ReactJS developers who can unlock opportunities for innovation and growth, delivering robust solutions that align with industry standards and user expectations effectively.